Groundradar specialises in the application of unique ground penetrating radar (GPR) technology to deep mineral exploration and geotechnical applications. Using our UltraGPR technology, high resolution imaging of the sub-surface is possible to depths exceeding 80 metres in suitable environments.
Groundradar has the world’s most extensive experience with GPR technology. Spanning 35 years and over 100 countries, in environments ranging from the jungles of Madagascar to Arctic Sweden.
Each month, Groundradar conducts hundreds of kilometers of surveys in a myriad of countries for such applications as nickel laterite and bauxite exploration, alluvial paleochannel mapping, kimberlite delineations, as well as void and abandoned tunnel detection.

Groundradar specialises in the design, deployment and analysis of ground penetrating radar, particularly to the mining and geotechnical industries. We design and manufacture our own radar systems custom designed for maximum penetration in challenging environments. Our depths of interest range to 100+ metres. We manage large scale utilities and archeological projects globally using custom or commercially available GPR systems.
Groundradar is the most experienced company in the world for mineral exploration applications of GPR. We have been employing GPR technologies worldwide since 1990. Our proprietary technology, UltraGPR, offers the deepest penetration of any radar in the world, when used in suitable environments.
Groundradar has worked on GPR projects in over 100 countries since 1990. These include every South American country and territory, throughout North America and the Caribbean, a large portion of North, Central and Southern African countries, every country in SE Asia and most in the South Pacific. Each month, Groundradar conducts projects with UltraGPR technology in an average of six countries.